what to expect from this page
Welcome to our website!
We are very glad that you found us. Our goal is to inspire people to volunteer and connect helping hands. Whether you want to do something good every day, every week, every month, or just once - that's up to you. This page provides you with a list of good organizations, you just have to "do good". You will be provided with motivation and inspiration.
You can contribute even in the smallest way. Try it out.
No pyramid scheme, no compulsion and no subscription. But a lot of empathy.
We depend on your input - you got something in your mind and want to inspire others? Bring it on!
We are very glad that you found us. Our goal is to inspire people to volunteer and connect helping hands. Whether you want to do something good every day, every week, every month, or just once - that's up to you. This page provides you with a list of good organizations, you just have to "do good". You will be provided with motivation and inspiration.
You can contribute even in the smallest way. Try it out.
No pyramid scheme, no compulsion and no subscription. But a lot of empathy.
We depend on your input - you got something in your mind and want to inspire others? Bring it on!
Here you will find the issues that concern us. More information about our experiences and actions.
A Glimpse into the Blog
The beginning
health // June, 2021
Not many of my topics fit under gluten-free food posts on Instagram, hence the birth of the blog. Well, no one should be forced to do anything. Everyone should do what they burn for.
Since it was one of my biggest impulses on the way to actually start "doing", I would like to start with the topic of "health" and what possibilities there are to become active in that matter. * As laconic as it is, the most important weapon is prevention. Detected in time, the chances of cure are increasing - they are even considered good - and not taking prevention seriously can be fatal to put it in a simple way. If time travel will be possible someday, I will make this request unmistakably to my cousin a few years ago from now. * My desire to support research has brought me to work at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology. For cancer research, I trust the "Deutsche Krebshilfe", will donate regularly and set up fundraising campaigns online. On Instagram and Facebook, for example, this is also possible and even if no vast sums are raised - the call to go for screening and more visibility for the cause is worth every effort. [...] kiva
society // july, 2021
Kiva also fits in well with the other topics, but it brings a lot to the table on the way to a fair society. On December 1, 2016 I lent my first loan and did not expect much. However, it has since become very important to me, that I would like to introduce it.
The idea is very effective: instead of donating money, the money is lent in microloans. 25 Dollar is the amount of a loan, which you can lend to a person or group of your choice. For that person, those 25 Dollar change their life, but you get the money back after a while - and can then cash it out or lend it to the next person. So far so good. [...] |
An architect who cooks gluten-free and vegan. Loves guinea pigs. I like traveling and photography. Sports and saving the world. A little bit. Is that all? Probably not. But this page is not about me. Got a personal page for that. ENGLISH version The articles in the blog are written in German and English. You`ll find the English version at the bottom. To get into action - just follow us on Instagram and translate the good deed list in your mother language. We speak English, German, Spanish. Semi-fluent Latin. We use DeepL.com/Translator (free version) for support. |